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Without Mathematics there is nothing you can do. Everything around you is Mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.

We are creating mathematicians (Intent):

Here at Buckingham we teach, and frequently revisit, through our ‘Maths Echoes’ the teaching and practice of basic skills like times-tables and number bonds as we recognise that the children need to better develop their ability to recall from their long term memories – particularly the mental strategies for calculations. This enables the children to decide when is appropriate to use these and to when a written method is not needed.

We also aim to embed the mastery curriculum and are currently working within the White Rose Maths Hub to do this. We teach via small steps, in the form of variation, and we are already on our journey. Our current, school wide focus is Problem Solving.

Maths Long Term Plan Y1 - Y6

This is how we teach Maths (Implementation)

The school follows the requirements of the National Curriculum (DfE, 2013). We follow the White Rose Maths Hub’s published Schemes of Learning and accompanying teaching resources to support the teachers in their strategic implementation of the curriculum.

 White Rose provides resources which::

  • Break down what should be taught on a term-by-term and week by week basis ensuring that by the end of the year, all statutory teaching requirements are addressed.
  • Allows for effective progression by building on work from the previous year / key stage (referring to the prior learning explicitly in the planning) and also builds on learning on a term-by-term basis.
  • Gives recommendations on how to break down the requirements into tighter more focused learning objectives.
  • Ensures the mathematics domains outlined are not taught in isolation, but rather taught as an interconnected subject, building links with other domains and other curriculum subjects.
  • Provides teaching guidance, examples of variation and fluency and resources appropriate to the year group.

How Maths is assessed at Buckingham

Formal assessment is carried out 3 times a year (November, March and June) from Year One to Year Six to assess and review pupils’ progress and attainment.

At the end of the EYFS, teachers assess children’s attainment against each of the Early Learning Goals. During teaching, informal assessment takes the form of:

  • Small group discussions in the context of a practical task.
  • Short tests given in oral or written form at the end of a unit of work.

 Feedback and Marking

This is carried out in line with the school’s Feedback and Marking Policy.

Target-Setting and Progress

All children are expected to make at least six ‘steps’ of progress and have a quantitative step for the Target Tracker ‘band’ which they are expected to achieve by the end of the school year. Children will also have a ‘step’ which they are expected to attain by the end of each Key Stage.

Home Learning:

Maths homework is given out from Year One to Year Six, in accordance with the school’s Homework policy, predominantly but not exclusively, through Mathletics tasks and Times Tables Rockstars, which are allocated and monitored by the class teachers. Children in the Nursery and Reception are also given maths ‘challenges’ to complete at home.

Children are set short-term targets, which are mostly linked to the four operations; these are displayed at the front of their Maths books.