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Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum is mapped out and sequenced in a way that ensures progression in key skills, knowledge and concepts. All learning will start by revisiting prior knowledge. Retrieval practice strategies are used to review learning and check that children know more and remember more. This will be scaffolded to support children to recall previous learning and make connections. Staff will identify and teach subject-specific vocabulary, knowledge and skills relevant to the learning to allow them to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts.

Our Teaching and Learning Approach 

At Buckingham Primary School, we believe in Quality First Teaching: a style of teaching that emphasises high quality, inclusive teaching and ongoing formative assessment. There is a focus on checks for listening, checks for understanding and purposeful talk. This ensures that children are active participants in their learning.

This approach is supported by Barak Rosenshine’s 10 Principles of Effective Instruction, which underpin the implementation of our curriculum:

  • Daily review - Starting lessons with a review of previous learning.
  • Present new material in small steps - Giving clear instructions and explanations during teaching. Presenting new concepts and ideas in small steps, so children can practise and master these.  
  • Ask questions - Checking children's understanding through high quality questioning throughout the lesson. 
  • Provide models - sharing high quality examples and models of work for children.  
  • Guide student practice - working together as a class with the teacher sharing and guiding children through practice.
  • Check for student understanding - Provide continual verbal feedback throughout lessons to ensure that learning opportunities are maximised for all children.  
  • Obtain a high success rate - through guided practice, effective questioning and independent practice of new skills and knowledge. 
  • Provide scaffolds for difficult tasks - Providing clear prompts for children to guide themselves through their learning.  
  • Independent practice - Children are given regular opportunities to work independently in order for them to apply and practise their new knowledge and skills. 
  • Review - Revisiting new learning regularly.

Reception Curriculum Overview 2024 - 2025

Y1 - Y6 Curriculum Overview 2024 - 2025