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Breakfast and After School Club

At Buckingham Primary School we offer the following Extended School provision:

  • Buckingham Breakfast Club opens from 7.30 a.m. until 8.50 a.m. Monday to Friday term time only. Children will be taken directly to their classes at 8.50a.m. in time for morning registration at the start of the school day. Children will be given a choice of breakfast and there are games/toys for them to play with. In fine weather, they will be able to use the garden area and equipment outside. 

The cost of each session is £5.00 per child.

  • After School Club – we provide community-based play opportunities within a safe and secure environment from 3.20 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday term time only. Children are provided with something to eat and drink, a range of activities and opportunities to inspire and interest the children in every aspect of our setting.  

The cost of each session is £10.00 per child.

For an additional fee of £2.00 children can stay until 6.00 p m.


If you are interested in a permanent place, or maybe just a one-off, then please email the school office on info@buckingham.richmond.sch.uk