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Let's see what we have been up to at Buckingham Primary School....


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Sports Days

On the 3rd July and 4th July, children from Year One to Year Six participated in Sports Days. Our events included the rugby ball relay, skSportday5.JPGipping relay, the run and catch relay, Olympic Ring throw and tennis ball and racket relay. The final event were the sprint races which involved the two fastest boys and girls from each house.

During Sports Day, there was lots of support and cheering: all the children were chanting their teammates names. Parents were encouraging different houses and teachers were supporting their entire class. Thank you to all the wonderful families who came to support us and cheer us on! After each race, our mentor awarded us with stickers (max 3). These were awarded for perseverance, positivity, teamwork, helpfulness and all the other Buckingham Values.

Congratulations to Ruby House in Key Stage One and Emerald House in Key Stage Two for winning the Sports Day Cup. It doesn't matter if you win or lose - just Believe, Persevere and Succeed. As long as we try your best, we are all winners.




The ‘Twirls’ win our Buckingham General Election!

We are delighted to announce that the Twirls received the largest amount of votes in our recent school general election and were therefore declared to be the winners! Many congratulations to Atarah-Bethel, Ava, Savani and Alice who won the electorate over with a full and dElection1a.JPGetailed manifesto, a great campaign speech, eye- catching publicity posters and their large-scale rosettes. We are looking forward to including them in our future decision-making at Buckingham!

Our school general election generated a huge amount of interest and in the end we had twenty different political parties that included almost eighty children in Years Four, Five and Six.

As you can see from the photographs, our Polling Station and the voting process were set up as realistically as possible so that children now have a very good idea of what happens on an election day and what impact it can have on their future.

Very well done to ALL of the other parties who represented themselves brilliantly at the hustings and throughout the campaign.




PTA Summer Fair

Thank you to everyone who supported our summer fair on Saturday. Despite the weather it was a great success - certainly the children dancing to Crazy Hazy in the rain did not seem to mind!

We are very grateful to all the staff who helped organise the day and run stalls. If you were also there to assist at all then thank you - we cannot run these events without the support of our school families.

We are still calculating the total of money raised and look forward to sharing this with you though we hope it should be over £2,000 which we will be able to use to help the school buy additional equipment and contribute towards trips and the mini bus.

Our Sponsored walk event in May raised over £3,000 to go towards playground equipment so thank you to everyone who donated money. Watch this space for some new plans for the playground.


PTA Committee