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Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)

We cannot always build a future for our youth, but we can always build our youth for the future.

Curriculum Intent

The aims of PSHE education in our school are to enable children to become healthy, independent, responsible members of a diverse, multicultural society. We aim to embed strategies in order for children to understand, manage and communicate feelings. Our curriculum enables children to develop their social and emotional skills in order for them to effectively deal with different situations. As a maintained primary school we must provide Relationships and Health Education (RHE) to all pupils and this is incorporated in our PSHE curriculum.

Key areas of focus are:

  • Knowledge and understanding of different feelings.
  • Problem solving techniques, coping strategies and situational role play.
  • Knowledge and understanding of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
  • Understanding of the skills needed to form and maintain healthy relationships.
  • Developing self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, empathy and the ability to make informed choices regarding personal and social issues.
  • Valuing themselves and having respect for others regardless of race, gender and mental and physical disability.
  • Promoting acceptance and respect for others.
  • Preparing for responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
  • Developing awareness of safety issues; giving pupils information and skills to make healthy choices and identifying who can help if pupils are not feeling safe.
  • Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies.
  • Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene.

Early Years Foundation Stage 

PSHE teaching is delivered through the PATHS Curriculum (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies). Lessons focus on beginning to learn about self-awareness, feelings, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and decision making . Health and Relationships objectives are also introduced and covered as part of the learning areas known as, 'Understanding of the World’ and 'Personal, Social and Emotional Development'.

Coverage of Understanding the World and Personal, Social and Emotional Development ELG

Key Stage One and Two

Through Key Stage One and Two, learning is built upon through revisiting key learning and building upon this. Following the PATHS Curriculum, children learn about an increasing number of different feelings, problem solving strategies and self-regulation techniques as they progress through the school. The Discovery Scheme is also used to facilitate the teaching of Relationships and Health Education, (including some aspects of Sex Education in Year Six). Areas of study are aligned with the statutory requirements covering understanding of different families, respectful relationships, safety (including internet safety), mental wellbeing, health, fitness, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, basic first aid and adolescent changes.

PSHE Long Term Plan Y1 - Y6

Coverage of progression of knowledge and skills - Relationships and Health Education 

Relationships and Health Education - Statutory Requirements


At Buckingham, every year group follows the PATHS Scheme. In Years 1 – 6, the Discovery Scheme is also used to facilitate the teaching of Relationships and Health Education, (including some aspects of Sex Education in Year Six). For each half term, classes will focus on the PATHS lessons outlined for each half term and also one Discovery Unit.

 The PATHS curriculum focuses on these core skills in every year group:

  • Self Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Skills
  • Responsible Decision Making

The Discovery Scheme is taught in Years 1 - 6 and addresses all objectives set out in statutory guidance through six areas of learning:

  • Caring and Responsibility
  • Healthy and Happy Friendships
  • Similarities and Differences
  • Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
  • Families and Committed Relationships
  • Coping with Change

To ensure progression, previous learning is revised and learning is built on in each of the areas in an age appropriate manner. Key vocabulary is highlighted and discussed, strengthening understanding.

Teacher judgements are made on assessment grids at the end of each term.