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Pupil Premium Grant

What is the pupil premium?

The pupil premium funding, which is additional to main school funding, is a key way of closing the academic achievement gap between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to ensure they benefit from the same opportunities as from less deprived families.

The premium is worth £1,455, and goes to pupils who at any point in the past six years have been in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM)

How the Pupil Premium is spent is monitored closely with all schools accountable for the impact of the money spent. 

How many pupils at Buckingham Primary are eligible for the Pupil Premium?

The total number of pupils at Buckingham Primary School in the academic year of 2023 -2024 was 519, not including Nursery. Last year 39% of pupils at Buckingham Primary were eligible for the Pupil Premium and in the financial period 2023- 2024 the school received £273, 540.02.

How will the impact of the spending of the Pupil Premium be measured and monitored?

The key impact measure is the achievement of pupils in receipt of the pupil premium and how this compares with the achievement of others

The achievement of all pupils is regularly analysed by class teachers and the leadership team. If children are at risk of making less progress than others, interventions are put in place to help them 'catch up'. Closing the gap data is produced for each year group and this is reported to governors.

At Buckingham Primary, we have high aspirations and expectations for all our children and strive to ensure they reach their full potential. Pupil Premium funding represents a sizeable proportion of our school's total budget and we are committed to ensuring it is used effectively.

Pupil Premium Statement 2024 - 2025